Monday, May 12, 2014

Separation of powers

There is a very interesting development in computing devices, namely the separation of interfaces from the rest of the computer. Cloud services, new devices like netbooks and new peripherals like Google Glass and Pebble smart watches divide the integrated computing devices of yesteryear into distinctly separate interface devices and processing devices.

Desktops, laptops and smartphones are all quite integrated, they are essentially complete computers in different sizes. Now that our computing is increasingly done in the cloud, our gadgets become focused on offering powerful, slick interaction with remotely hosted applications and content.

This trend has several interesting consequences. Interface devices like smart glasses, watches and portable screens can be upgraded separately from the silicon in the datacenter that provides muscle. Rather than shelling out for a Dell XPS or MacBook Pro with all the trimmings, it will soon be possible to buy an interface device like a tablet and use it for quite a while, without foregoing the benefits of regular increases in computing power.

Of course Apple and Samsung want everyone to buy a new flagship phone every year or two, but there has been a noticeable plateau of development in recent handsets. Adding gimmicks is not quite the same as new features, much to the dismay of Samsung's recently departed head of mobile design. It's high time that services and interfaces become the competitive differentiators, not the silicon underneath.

Using the same hardware for a longer time is also a lot more sustainable. Rather than tossing out a plasticy handset full of rare earths every year, having a trusty device to access online services for a couple of years saves tons of resources. Your 'internet device' could get a similar lifecycle to TV's, which have offered access to an ever wider array of services while being upgraded only once or twice per decade in most homes.

Service providers have a huge advantage over handset makers: customer data, workflows and online interaction with colleagues and friends become finely interwoven with the service over time. This builds very strong customer loyalty. I'm utterly useless without my Evernote and IQTELL subscriptions, for example. Also the R&D cycle of web services is a lot friendlier, allowing easy iteration of features and improvements with a constant revenue stream, rather than the billion-dollar gamble of developing a new device. There are good reasons to primarily sell services rather than hardware, and I wonder when the change of emphasis will occur. 

For now the iPhone remains a much more compelling product than iCloud, but only because the app ecosystem runs on the iPhone hardware rather than the iCloud platform. When Microsoft, Apple and Google have finished their current transformations there will be little to distinguish a desktop application from a mobile app from a web service, except the screen you view it on. That is when the time is ripe to complete the separation described here.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Recently, a former colleague re-joined the company for a special project. His nickname "Van Z" and past exploits were soon revived by long-time veterans, and to his amazement a lot of people he never met before knew of him and talents. This kind of company lore is great, it binds colleagues together in a shared understanding of what the company is all about in a much more fundamental way than the mission statement.

Babur and Companions Warming Themselves Before a Camp Fire - Wikimedia Commons
Babur & Companions
sharing tales around the campfire
The stories of past projects, remarkable customers and colleagues, and memorable moments are a living legacy of where we have been as people, as colleagues and as a company. These stories are repeated, embellished and woven together to reinforce what matters most.

The coffee corner in a great company culture is the campfire of its tribal identity, where colleagues confirm each others value and identity. Conversely, if the coffee corner where you work is the place to bitch about bosses and do some casual backstabbing you're well advised to work elsewhere, because the culture is showing severe symptoms of incurable decay.

My phone is keeping a track record of where I've been and what I've done, which is really useful for time writing and billing. More than that, it tells me my own story, helping me to remember and feel satisfied about the work I've done and the places I have been. It goes beyond the statistics of location and time to establish a narrative based on my comments and place names, and this is hugely satisfying.

Right now I'm working to lift our team reporting, daily standups and weekly review meetings to that next level of usefulness. As a project manager I need these reports and meetings to keep a firm grasp on our work. As a leader, I need them to reinforce what we are all about, which means that I need them to keep the narrative of our story as a project team alive.  Just like the phone app delivers more than bare stats, I want my project management to be about more than control.

What I find challenging is allowing the right amount of personalization and storytelling without fostering the kind of loose banter and improductive blah that clogs up far too many meetings already. In theory, meetings already work like this, which the confirmation of last time's minutes, the regular agenda items and a recap. In practice they're either really short and businesslike or really long and tedious, depending on the leader and the group.

My current approach is to frame each talking point in a narrative way, connecting it explicitly to what happened recently and what is about to happen. I also try to draw parables using existing company lore. Meanwhile the subjects under discussion are determined by the meeting agenda, and errant lines of conversation are pruned back with a meaningful glance at my watch. So far so good.